Congratulations to “America’s 50 Best Wine Shops”!
New York, New York
June 18, 2020

We were thrilled to see Wine Enthusiast magazine’s list of the “50 Best Wine Shops” in America.
And it was an even greater thrill to see that so many of our retail partners made it on to the list.
Over the last two decades in the U.S., a true “wine renaissance” has taken shape. Now, more than ever before, American wine lovers have access to wines from around the world. And the availability of Italian wine in particular has expanded exponentially in the U.S. That’s thanks in no small part to the legion of talented wine shop professionals who have discovered a passion for wines from Italy.
There’s never been a better time to buy and enjoy wine. With the growing interest in fine wine, wine retailers have become frontline wine educators, helping consumers to find the right label to match their personal tastes and lifestyle. In another era, wine sellers were often considered snobby and aloof, interested only in catering to collectors and connoisseurs. Today, as more and more Americans drink wine on a regular basis, wine shops are becoming a meeting place where they can learn more about the wines they love and discover new wines and wineries to explore.
And even in the time of COVID-19, we are seeing our wine retailers stepping up and offering creative ways to taste, buy, and learn about wines through online seminars and virtual tastings.
To all of our partners on the list, we say: BRAVO! We couldn’t be more proud to be working with you to bring great Italian wine to the U.S. Congratulations!
Click here for the Wine Enthusiast list of the “50 Best Wines Shops in America.”